Hello, I'm Luc Chaissac.
Please welcome to my Internets™️ web page.

Currently building @Dock,️ Editor @Muxu.Muxuv3, and before that @bespoke, Brand Designer @Lattice, CEO @Muxu.Muxuv2.

I’ve spent the past 17+ years working across different areas of Design. From print ads, email design, product design, gradient collection, all forms of illustration, marketing programs, weird GIFs, even run a small studio of 15 humans to my current role designing product and brand experiences.

I occasionally take on freelance opportunities. If you’re looking for a designer to help you discover ideas, explore concepts, establish purpose to accelerate growth — let's discuss!

You can find me on Twitter.

Lattice Virtual Conference 2020
Dock — Product + Brand
Lattice Virtual Conference 2020
Lattice — Virtual Conference
Lattice Brand Evolution
Lattice — Brand
Lattice Brand Evolution
Muxu.Muxu  —  Studio
Lattice Brand Evolution
Muxu.Muxu x Bureau Nuits — Typeface